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Substance Use

Playing the Flute

Discussions around current, potential, or historic use will not be passed on unless there is a breach of the limitations of confidentiality.

More can be found out about this within the contracts, or under safeguarding.

You do not have to use a substance to receive counselling for substance use, your friends and family may use or have done so in the past. You may also be thinking about starting substances or your historical use.

Clients speaking about substance use do not have to be non-using at the time of therapy. However, it is asked that sessions are attended at a level sober enough to engage in meaningful work.

If not wanting to end use or others do not plan to stop, but there is an undesirable impact from substances on your life; boundaries, or harm reduction techniques can be discussed in session.

What I Have Learnt About      Substance Use

2017, Mental Health First Aid in Depression, Anxiety, Self-Harm,            Suicide, Psychosis, and Eating Disorders. 

2021, Scottish Drugs Forum - Drugs Awareness.

2021, Scottish Drugs Forum - Children Affected by Parental                  Substance Use.

2021, Scottish Drugs Forum - Motivational Interviewing in                       Addiction.

2023 ,Scottish Drugs Forum - Understanding NPSs.

2023, Scottish Drugs Forum - Understanding Benzos.

2023, Scottish Drugs Forum - Understanding Cocaine and                      Other Psychostimulant Use.

2023, NHS (HealthPoint) - Alcohol Brief Intervention.

2023, ASH Scotland - Understanding Tobacco.

2023, ASH Scotland - Understanding the Role of Smoking in                  Scotland's Areas of High Deprivation. 

2023, ASH Scotland - Understanding Smoking and Vaping by                 Young People.

2023, ASH Scotland - Understanding Smoking by Young Carers.

2023, ASH Scotland - Supporting Young People to be                              Smoke Free.

2023, ASH Scotland - Having an Awareness of Smoking VS                    Second Hand Smoke.

2023, ASH Scotland - Understanding Cannabis.

2023, SMART - Introduction to SMART Recovery.

2023, SMART - Understanding and Coping with Urges.

2023, Scottish Recovery Consortium - Recovery Essentials.

2023, Scottish Recovery Consortium - Using Social Recovery                 to Rethink Addiction.

2023, Scottish Recovery Consortium - the Industrialisation                    and Commersialisation of Addiction.

2023, Scottish Recovery Consortium - Using RIGHT as a                           Leadership Tool in Recovery.

2023, Scottish Recovery Consortium - Strength Based                            Approaches to Addiction.

2023, Scottish Recovery Consortium - Using Recovery Systems            of Care.

2023, Scottish Recovery Consortium - Identifying Contemporary             Recovery (Rights, Respect, Recovery).

2023, Scottish Recovery Consortium - Understanding the                       Barriers to Addiction.

2023, Scottish Recovery Consortium - Looking at Masculinity                and Vulnerability in Addiction.

2023, Scottish Recovery Consortium - Understanding the                       Role of Drug Use in Identity. 

2023, Scottish Drugs Forum - LGBTQAI+ Substance Use.

2023, Scottish Drugs Forum - Bacterial Infections and                            Substance Use.

2023, Scottish Drugs Forum - Understanding HIV.

2023, Scottish Drugs Forum - Understanding Hepatitis B&C. 

2023, Mental Health First Aid in Depression, Anxiety, Self-Harm,            Suicide, Psychosis, and Active Listening. 

2023, Emotion Coaching through Recognising, Validating,                        Setting Limits, and Problem Solving.

2023, NHS Mandated CBT Interventions for Anxiety - LIAM                      "Let's Introduce Anxiety Management".

2023, SMART - Managing Thoughts, Feelings, and Behaviours                through REBT (Rational Emotional Behavioural Therapy).

2023, SMART - Disputing Irrational Beliefs.

2023, SMART - Using the ABCDEF Model.

Let’s Work Together

If you, or someone you know, are struggling with any of the above, feel free to get in touch.

Thanks for submitting!

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